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Aware LoRa Hub Spans an Impressive 28 Floors!

On March 27th, after the install of our in-wall humidity leak detection solution – consisting of (4) sensors deployed between the 30th and 34th floors, and a LoRa hub – our customer, and the Resident Manager of the building, reported that he'd temporarily uninstalled the hub. Despite this, we were still receiving data from 2 of the 4 deployed sensors. 

This wasn't much of a surprise to us, as we equip our hub with GSM technology as a fallback mechanism when a customer's WiFi is down, or unreachable. So when he plugged the hub in on the 2nd floor, it switched to GSM mode, and continued to collect and send data.

One of the sensors it was picking up data from was located in his office, with the hub. The other sensor our LoRa hub was detecting was a whopping 28 floors away, on the 30th floor! We do not expect communication between anything more than 3-6 floors away, so to learn that our sensor was capable of transmitting over such a range was an amazing discovery! 

We still do not plan on building our solutions around these findings and will continue to deploy hubs based on our 3-6 floors per gateway estimation, considering every building varies, but this was good to learn!

See to the right for the relative humidity data for the 2nd floor sensor in his office, and the 30th floor sensor in the wall.

This technology is available, reasonably priced, and works! If you'd like to learn more, please visit the Aware Leak Detection section of our website, or contact BuildingLink's Aware division at


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